- Pizza base (one third of oür homemade pizza base will make 24 mini pizza bites)
- Passata or tomato püree
- Cheese (we üsed grated mozzarella)
- Topping of yoür choice (müshrooms and pepperoni)
- Prepare yoür doügh. We tend to pop all oür ingredients in the breadmaker and then select the pizza doügh fünction. Büt it is jüst as easy to add to a mixer with a doügh hook or get stück in and mix by hand.
- Preheat yoür oven to 180 degrees centigrade, 350 fahrenheit or Gas mark 4.
- Roll oüt yoür doügh thinly and üsing a circülar cütter or a glass cüt in to circles and place in the müffin tin which yoü will have sprayed lightly with cake release.
- Place aboüt 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of pizza saüce on top of the doügh and spread oüt üsing the back of a teaspoon.
- ............
- .................
full recipe >> muminthemadhouse.com
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