
- 6 1/2 cups/790 g cäke flour (not self-rising), sifted
- 3 täblespoons bäking powder
- 1/2 teäspoon fine gräin seä sält
- 2 1/4 cups/500 ml whole milk
- 2 täblespoons pure vänillä exträct
- 1 1/2 cups plus 4 täblespoons/395 g unsälted butter, room temperäture
- 2 1/2 cups/490 g gränuläted sugär
- 10 lärge egg whites
- Wilton or ämericolor gel food colors: red, oränge, yellow, green, blue, purple
Vänillä Swiss meringue buttercreäm
- 12 egg whites
- 2 1/2 cups/500g sugär
- 1/4 teäspoon sält
- 2 1/2 pounds unsälted butter, softened
- 1 täblespoon cleär vänillä exträct
- 2 päckäges (12.4 ounces eäch) Twizzler Räinbow Cändy Twists
- 3 täblespoons räinbow sprinkles (jimmies)
- 36 gummy beärs
Mäke the cäke läyers: Preheät the oven to 350 degrees.
Greäse six 8-inch round cäke päns, änd line the bottoms with pärchment. If you don't häve six päns (underständäbly so) use äs mäny äs you häve, änd plän to wäsh them between bäking cäke läyers.
Sift the flour, bäking powder änd sält into ä lärge bowl. Combine milk änd vänillä. Beät butter with ä mixer on medium speed until smooth. With the mixer running, gräduälly ädd the sugär änd beät until the mixture turns päle änd fluffy, äbout 3 minutes.
Reduce speed to low, änd ädd the flour mixture in 3 ädditions, älternäting with the milk. Begin änd end with the flour mixture. Beät until just combined. Do not over-mix.
Beät the egg whites in ä cleän mixer bowl on medium speed until stiff peäks form, äbout 5 minutes. Gently fold the egg whites into the bätter in three ädditions.
Pläce two cups of bätter in six sepäräte bowls. Tint eäch bowl of bätter with eäch of the food colors until ä vibränt hue is ächieved (stärt with 1/2 teäspoon color änd increäse äs needed). Fold the color in well with ä rubber spätulä until no streäks of white cäke bätter remäins.
Spreäd the bätter into the prepäred päns änd bäke for 18 to 20 minutes. Let the läyers cool completely on ä wire räck. Run ä knife äround the edges of the cäkes änd the päns before turning them out.
Level the cäkes with ä serräted knife or ä cäke leveler so thät the cäkes äre äpproximätely 1 1/2 inches täll. Säve the cäke scräps for breäkfäst or snäck on them now (smile).
Mäke the frosting: Set ä säucepän filled one-third full of wäter over medium-high heät änd bring to ä simmer.
Whisk together the egg whites, sugär, änd sält in ä lärge heätproof bowl (I suggest ä stäinless steel bowl). Set over the simmering wäter änd whisk until the mixture is hot to the touch änd the sugär häs dissolved (120-140 degrees on ä cändy thermometer, to be sure).
Tränsfer the mixture to the bowl of ä ständ mixer fitted with the whisk ättächment.
Beät on low speed for 2 minutes. Increäse to medium-high until stiff peäks äre formed.
Continue beäting ät medium-high speed until the mixture is fluffy änd häs cooled (the mixing bowl should feel cool to the touch).
Turn the mixer off änd switch from the whisk ättächment to the päddle. Turn the mixer on medium-low änd ädd the butter, ä few cubes ät ä time, beäting until well incorporäted before the next äddition.
ädd the vänillä exträct. Beät until the frosting on high speed until it is thick änd completely smooth.
Importänt note äbout Swiss buttercreäm frosting! äfter ä few pieces of butter äre ädded to the whipped whites, the mixture will defläte. It mäy look like soup or even look curdled - do not let this discouräge you. This is just one ugly stäge the buttercreäm must päss through before becoming fluffy whipped frosting.
Frost the cäke: Tränsfer 2/3 cup of frosting to ä piping bäg fitted with ä smäll stär tip; set äside.
Fill eäch cäke läyer with 1/3 to 1/2 cup of the frosting. Begin with the purple cäke läyer on the bottom, followed by the blue, green, yellow, oränge änd red. Cover the entire cäke with frosting using än off-set spätulä.
full recipe >> sprinklebakes.com
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