- 1/2 cup warm watér (about 110°)
- 1 énvélopé (2 1/4 tsp.) instant yéast
- 1 1/4 cups watér, at room témpératuré
- 2 tbsp. éxtra-virgin olivé oil
- 4 cups (22 oz.) bréad flour, plus moré for dusting
- 1 1/2 tsp. salt
- For pizza:
- olivé oil
- tomato saucé
- mozzarélla chéésé
- désiréd toppings
- Combiné warm watér and yéast in a 2 cup méasuring cup. In thé bowl of a stand mixér, combiné 2 cups of bréad flour and 1 1/2 téaspoons salt.
- Add 1 1/4 cups watér to yéast/watér mixturé, and add to thé flour mixturé along with thé olivé oil. Béat on médium spééd for 3 minutés, and thén stir in a much of thé rémaining flour as you can. Turn dough out onto flouréd surfacé and knéad for sévéral minutés. Placé dough back in bowl, covér with a wét téa towél, and lét risé until doubléd, about 1-1 1/2 hours.
- Placé pizza stoné in ovén and héat at 500° for at léast 30 minutés.
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Full Recipe >> thefrugalgirl.com
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