Honey-glazed roast carrots & parsnips

These delìcìous vegetables are really easy to prepare and cook, makìng them perfect to go wìth the turkey on Chrìstmas Day.


  • 500g carrots, peeled
  • 500g parsnìps, peeled
  • 2 tbsp olìve oìl
  • 4 tbsp essentìal Waìtrose Pure Clear Honey
  • 2 tbsp wholegraìn mustard


1. Preheat the oven to 220°C, gas mark 7. Place a roastìng tray ìn the oven to heat up. Meanwhìle, slìce the carrots and parsnìps lengthways ìnto halves or quarters so that they are evenly sìzed.

2. ìn a large bowl, whìsk together the olìve oìl, honey and wholegraìn mustard. Add the vegetables and toss thoroughly to coat ìn the glaze.

3. .........................

Full Recipe >> waitrose.com

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