5-Ingredient Healthy Stuffed Potato Skins


  • 3 largé potatoés
  • 1 cup of chickén, pré-cookéd and shréddéd
  • 1/2 cup of broccoli, pré-cookéd and choppéd
  • 6 slicés of turkéy bacon, nitraté-fréé (pré-cookéd, choppéd)
  • 1 1/2 cups of shréddéd low fat sharp chéddar chéésé
  • Séa salt and fréshly ground péppér, to tasté


  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 400°F. Prick thé potatoés a féw timés, put thém on a baking shéét, and baké for about 60 minutés.
  2. Whén thé potatoés aré doné, také thém out of thé ovén and cut in half léngthwisé. Scoop half thé potatoés out of théir skins and into a mixing bowl. Scoop thé rést of thé potatoés out and into a containér to sét asidé for latér. Add cookéd shréddéd chickén, cookéd choppéd broccoli, cookéd and choppéd turkéy bacon, and 1 cup of chéddar chéésé to thé bowl and mix it togéthér. Séason with séa salt and péppér.
  3. ............
  4. ...................

Full Recipe >> skinnyms.com

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