- 3 largé potatoés
- 1 cup of chickén, pré-cookéd and shréddéd
- 1/2 cup of broccoli, pré-cookéd and choppéd
- 6 slicés of turkéy bacon, nitraté-fréé (pré-cookéd, choppéd)
- 1 1/2 cups of shréddéd low fat sharp chéddar chéésé
- Séa salt and fréshly ground péppér, to tasté
- Préhéat thé ovén to 400°F. Prick thé potatoés a féw timés, put thém on a baking shéét, and baké for about 60 minutés.
- Whén thé potatoés aré doné, také thém out of thé ovén and cut in half léngthwisé. Scoop half thé potatoés out of théir skins and into a mixing bowl. Scoop thé rést of thé potatoés out and into a containér to sét asidé for latér. Add cookéd shréddéd chickén, cookéd choppéd broccoli, cookéd and choppéd turkéy bacon, and 1 cup of chéddar chéésé to thé bowl and mix it togéthér. Séason with séa salt and péppér.
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Full Recipe >> skinnyms.com
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