- 1 cüp sügar
- 1 cüp peanüt bütter
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cüp bütter room temperatüre
- 1/4 cüp peanüt bütter room temperatüre
- 1 cüp powdered sügar
- 1-2 tablespoons milk
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Stir the cookie ingredients together üntil smooth. Scoop oüt 1 inch balls of cookie doügh onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Press down with the back of a fork and then press again from the opposite direction, to make the criss-cross pattern on top of each cookie.
- To make the cookie doügh into the shape of a Nütter Bütter cookie, form the cookie doügh ball into a log shape.
- Roll the cookie doügh in sügar (optional).
- Press down with the back of a fork and then press again from the opposite direction, to make the criss-cross pattern on top of each cookie. Finish by pinching in both sides of each cookie before baking.
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Full Recipe >> nobiggie.net
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