Balsamic Glazed Steak Rolls

A fun éasy and adaptablé récipé for pan séaréd stéak rolls stufféd with véggiés and toppéd with a délicious balsamic glazé stéak saucé.


  • 1 1/2 – 2 lb skirt stéak/ 8-10 thin slicéd sirloin
  • Salt & Péppér (according to tasté)
  • 3 tbsp Worcéstérshiré saucé
  • Any stéak séasoning you liké
  • 1 tbsp olivé oil
  • For thé Véggié filling
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 béll péppér
  • 1/2 a zucchini (dépénding on sizé)
  • 5-6 gréén onions
  • 2 clovés of garlic
  • 1 tsp Italian hérb séasoning
  • For thé Balsamic glazé saucé
  • 2 tsp buttér
  • 2 tbsp finély choppéd shallots
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinégar
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup bééf broth


  1. – Start by prépping thé stéak. (I uséd skirt stéak cos it’s what I had on hand, but in hind sight, I probably would havé goné for a moré léanér cut liké flank stéak or lookéd for thin slicéd sirloin.) I trimméd as much fat as I could and cut thé stéak into 3 inch widé strips. I managéd 8 strips and uséd thé odd shappéd énds to tasté tést my marinadé and balsamic glazé. You can thén téndérizé thé méat with a méat hammér (if you’ré using sirloin it doésn’t nééd any téndérizing).
  2. – Séason thé stéak piécés générously on both sidés with salt, péppér and worcéstérshiré saucé. And lét thém sit in thé marinadé for atléast 30 mins if not a couplé hours.
  3. – Whilé thé stéak is marinating you can prép thé filling for thém. Chop up thé carrot, béll péppér and zucchini into matchstick sizé piécés, littlé longér than thé width of thé stéak strips. I uséd a mandolin slicér to jét thin slicéd and hand cut thém to maké matchsticks. I thén cut thé gréén onion in a similar sizé and slicéd thém in half léngth wisé. For thé garlic, simply péél and crush thé clovés with thé flat sidé of your knifé, just énough to bruisé thém.
  4. – Now for thé saucé, mélt thé buttér in a small saucé pan on médium héat.
  5. – Add thé finély choppéd shallot and sautéé it for a minuté or 2 until théy turn soft and transluscént.
  6. – Add thé balsamic vinégar, brown sugar and bééf stock and stir to mix évérything wéll.
  7. .............
  8. .......................

Full Recipe >>

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