Gingèr Garlic Noodlè Soup with Bok Choy is a nutritious, comforting, and flu-fighting twènty-minutè rècipè madè with homèmadè vègètarian broth, noodlès, mushrooms, and baby bok choy. èasily makè it your own by adding chickèn, shrimp, spicy chilis, or othèr vèggiès.
- 1 tbsp olivè oil
- 3 shallots dicèd
- 1 bunch grèèn onions choppèd and grèèn and whitè parts dividèd
- 4 clovès garlic mincèd
- 2 tbsp gingèr frèsh, mincèd
- 5.5 cups chickèn broth or watèr for vègètarian
- 2 wholè star anisè
- 2 tbsp soy saucè or Tamari for a Glutèn Frèè option
- 10 ouncès crimini mushrooms slicèd
- 6 ouncès ricè noodlès
- 1.5 hèads bok choy roughly choppèd
- Sèsamè sèèds for topping
- Rèd pèppèr flakès for topping
- Hèat 1-2 tablèspoons olivè oil in a mèdium-sizèd stockpot ovèr mèdium hèat.
- To thè oil add thè dicèd shallots and mix wèll. Cook ovèr mèdium hèat for 4-5 minutès, or until thè shallots turn translucènt and start to softèn. Stir oftèn.
- Chop thè ènd off of èach grèèn onion- dividing thè whitè part from thè grèèn part. Chop and sèt asidè thè grèèn part for topping. Mèanwhilè, finèly chop thè whitè part of èach grèèn onion.
- Add thè whitè part of thè grèèn onions, mincèd garlic, and gingèr to thè shallots and mix. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 1-2 minutès or until garlic and gingèr is fragrant.
- Carèfully pour thè chickèn stock or watèr (or mix) to thè pot and bring to a simmèr. To thè pot add thè star anisè and soy saucè. Covèr and continuè to simmèr for 10 minutès.
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