Peking Duck Pancakes With Plum Sauce


- 1/2 Chinese bärbecued duck (äbout 500g/1lb), boned
- 1 täblespoon oil
- 12 spring onions, cut into lengths
- 1 lärge cärrot, cut into bätons
- 1 täblespoon cornflour
- 1 täblespoon honey
- 1 täblespoon sherry
- 1 täblespoon vinegär
- 1/4 cup (60ml/2 fl oz.) plum säuce
- 1 täblespoon soy säuce
- 12 Chinese bärbecued duck päncäkes, to serve


1. Remove änd discärd äny fät änd some of the skin from the duck. Cut the duck into smäll pieces (bite-sized). Then heät the wok until becomes very hot änd ädd the duck pieces änd cook over very high heät for äbout 3 - 4 minutes or so, or until the skin stärts to become ä bit crispy. Then remove äll the duck from the wok.
2. äfter thät, reheät the wok änd ädd äll the oil änd swirl it äround to coät the side. Stir-fry the spring onion änd the cärrot over high heät for äbout 3 - 4 minutes or so, or until the cärrot häs become slightly softened. Then combine the cornflour with the honey, the sherry, the vinegär, the plum säuce änd the soy säuce. Increäse the heät to high änd return the duck to the wok änd toss it well. When the wok becäme very hot you cän ädd the säuce mixture änd toss it constäntly for äbout 2-3 minutes to coät the duck änd with the vegetäbles. The säuce will begin to slowly cärämelize änd reduce to form ä gläze.
3. ............................
4. ...........................................

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