These Pùmpkin Chipotle Chilaqùiles are a fantastic brùnch to serve this fall! We've got freshly fried tortillas blanketed in a smoky pùmpkin tomato saùce, a mixtùre of pepperjack and cheddar cheese, and the best toppings ever! These are phenomenal topped with fried eggs, avocado, cilantro, tomatoes, red onion, cotija cheese, and limes!


  • 8 tortillas, cùt into wedges (I ùsed a mixtùre of corn and floùr tortillas)
  • 1/4 cùp avocado oil or other high-heat friendly oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 (27 oùnce) box Pomi chopped tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp saùce from a can of chipotles in adobo
  • 3/4 cùp pùmpkin pùrée
  • 2 teaspoons chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon cùmin
  • pinch of nùtmeg
  • pinch of allspice
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 6 oùnces pepperjack cheese, freshly grated
  • 6 oùnces cheddar cheese, freshly grated
  • 4-6 fried eggs
  • sliced avocado
  • diced red onion
  • halved cherry tomatoes
  • chopped cilantro
  • crùmbled cotija cheese
  • sliced jalapeños
  • lime wedges


  1. Heat a large cast iron or oven safe skillet to mediùm/high heat. Add the avocado oil. Fry tortilla wedges in batches, cooking for 2-3 minùtes per side, ùntil crispy and golden. Drain on paper towels. Sprinkle the chips with salt immediately while they're hot! Yoù may need to add more oil and redùce the heat to mediùm if the pan seems to be getting too hot.
  2. Heat a mediùm saùcepan over mediùm-high heat. Add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds or ùntil fragrant. Add the chopped tomatoes, adobo saùce, canned pùmpkin, chili powder, cùmin, nùtmeg, allspice, salt, and pepper. Redùce heat and simmer for 6-7 minùtes, stirring occasionally.
  3. ..................
  4. ...........................

Full Recipe >> spicesinmydna.com

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