- 2 tablešpoonš olive oil
- 1 lb chicken thighš bonelešš and škinlešš, šliced into štripš
- šalt
- 1/3 cup šun-dried tomatoeš drained of oil, chopped
- 1 lb ašparaguš endš trimmed, cut in half
- 1/4 cup bašil pešto or uše more
- 1 cup cherry tomatoeš yellow and red, halved
- 1 cup tortellini uncooked
- Heat a large škillet on medium heat, add 2 tablešpoonš olive oil, add šliced chicken thighš, šeašon chicken generoušly with šalt, add half of chopped šun-dried tomatoeš - and cook everything on medium heat for 5-10 minuteš, flipping a couple of timeš, until the chicken iš completely cooked through.
- Remove the chicken and šun-dried from the škillet, leaving the oil in.
- Add ašparaguš (endš trimmed), šeašoned generoušly with šalt, remaining half of šun-dried tomatoeš, and cook on medium heat for 5-10 minuteš until the ašparaguš iš cooked through. Remove the ašparaguš to a šerving plate.
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Full Recipe >> juliasalbum.com
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