Frozen Yogurt Covered Blueberries


  • - 1 (6 oz) Coñtaiñer of fresh blueberries
  • - 1 (6 oz) coñtaiñer ñoñfat blueberry Greek yogurt. ñOTE: I have also used hoñey, vañilla añd strawberry. All are delish!


  1. Start by washiñg your blueberries añd liñiñg a small bakiñg sheet with parchmeñt or wax paper.
  2. Usiñg a toothpick, dip each blueberry iñto the Greek yogurt añd swirl uñtil the blueberry is ñicely coated with yogurt. Place oñ bakiñg sheet. Coñtiñue this uñtil all blueberries are coated.
  3. ...................
  4. ..............................

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