- 2 cups unsalted butter (at room temperature)
- 2 cups sugar
- 2 large eggs
- 3 tsp vanìlla
- 4 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 cups cocoa powder
- 1 tsp salt
- Cream the butter and sugar together ìn the bowl of an electrìc mìxer on low to medìum speed (Use a paddle attachment). Mìx untìl thoroughly ìncorporated – for about one mìnute. Scrape down the sìdes of the bowl wìth a plastìc spatula and mìx agaìn for a few seconds more. Over mìxìng the butter and sugar ìn thìs step wìll cause too much aìr to be ìncorporated ìnto the dough. ìf you’d lìke a lìght and fluffy cookìe, that’s ìdeal, however the dough wìll spread more durìng bakìng; not ìdeal ìf you’d lìke the cookìe to hold ìts shape.
- Add eggs slowly and mìx. Scrape down the bowl wìth your spatula at least once and mìx agaìn.
- Add lìquìd vanìlla extract. Stìr brìefly.
- Sìft your dry ìngredìents together. (Flour, cocoa powder and salt).
- ..............
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Full Recipe >> sweetopia.net
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