Mini Chicken Pot Pies


  • ¾ cup choppèd lèftovèr chickèn (or 1 small frèsh chickèn brèast, fully cookèd)
  • 1 can crèam of chickèn soup
  • 1 cup mixèd frozèn vègètablès (pèas, carrots, corn and grèèn bèans), dèfrostèd
  • 1 packagè rèfrigèratèd biscuit dough


  1. Prèhèat thè ovèn to 375F.
  2. Combinè thè chickèn, mixèd vègètablès and crèam of chickèn soup in a mèdium bowl and stir wèll.
  3. Sèparatè èach of thè biscuits and placè thèm into thè compartmènts of a grèasèd muffin tin.
  4. Using your fingèrs, push down on thè dough starting in thè middlè, thèn working thè dough up thè sidès of èach of thè muffin compartmènts, as high as it will go.
  5. ..............
  6. .......................

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