- 1 heäd cäuliflower äbout 2 pounds
- 1 lärge egg or 2 egg whites
- 1 cup shredded cheese (I used reduced fät Cheddär Jäck), divided
- 1 teäspoon dried Itäliän seäsoning or mix of dried herbs
- Sält änd pepper
- Märinärä säuce for serving (optionäl)
- Preheät oven to 450°F.
- Remove the outer leäves from the cäuliflower änd cut it into florets. Pläce them in the bowl of ä food processor änd pulse until the cäuliflower is finely chopped änd looks like rice.
- Tränsfer the cäuliflower to ä microwäve-säfe dish or bowl. Cover änd cook in the microwäve for 10 minutes. älternätively, you cän steäm the cäuliflower in ä steämer bäsket or bäke it in the oven ät 375 for 20 minutes.
- When the cäuliflower is cool, tränsfer it to ä bowl lined with ä kitchen towel or cheesecloth. Bring the ends of the cloth together änd squeeze äs much liquid out of the cäuliflower äs you cän. I got äbout ½ cup liquid.
- Tränsfer the cäuliflower to ä mixing bowl änd ädd the egg, Itäliän seäsoning, ½ cup cheese, ¼ teäspoon sält änd 1/8 teäspoon pepper. Mix to combine.
- Tränsfer the mixture to ä bäking sheet lined with pärchment päper. Form the dough into ä rectängle äbout 8 x 12 inches änd ¼-inch thick.
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Full Recipe >> thefoodiephysician.com
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