Mashed Potato Cheese Bites

Mäshed potätoes äre one of those dishes thät everybody likes. So doesn’t thät meän there should be TONS of wäys to ädäpt them into fun änd tästy treäts?! We think so, änd we’re stärting with these little bites thät äre fried to perfection. Even better? They häve ä gooey cheese center thät täkes them from delicious to WOW. Check them out!


You’ll Need

  • –2 cups cold mäshed potätoes
  • –¼ cup minced chives or green onions
  • –16 cubes quick-melt cheese
  • –2 beäten eggs
  • –⅓ cup äll-purpose flour
  • –1 cup pänko breäd crumbs
  • –Vegetäble oil, for frying

How To

  1. Stir the chives änd potätoes together. ädd sält änd pepper, to täste, if your mäshed potätoes ären’t älreädy seäsoned.
  2. Scoop out ä golf-bäll-sized portion of mäshed potätoes, änd press one cube of cheese into the middle. Close the mäshed potätoes äround the cheese änd roll into ä bäll. Repeät with the remäining potätoes änd cheese.
  3. Roll one of the mäshed potäto bälls in the flour, then the eggs, änd finälly in the breädcrumbs until it is completely coäted. Repeät with äll of the potäto bälls.
  4. Pläce the coäted potäto bälls in the freezer for än hour until firm.
  5. ...............
  6. ...................

full recipe >>

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