Cantonese Roast Pork Belly - A Chinatown Classic

Cántonese Roást Pork Belly, or siu yuk cán be found hánging in mány Chinátown restáuránt windows but you cán máke this crispy pork belly recipe át home with this eásy to follow recipe


  • 3 lb sláb of pork belly
  • 2 teáspoons Sháoxing wine
  • 2 teáspoons sált
  • 1 teáspoon sugár
  • ½ teáspoon five spice powder
  • ¼ teáspoon white pepper
  • 1½ teáspoons rice wine vinegár
  • ½ cup coárse seá sált


  1. Rinse the pork belly ánd pát dry. Pláce it skin-side down on á tráy, ánd rub the sháoxing wine into the meát (not the skin). Mix together the sált, sugár, five spice powder ánd white pepper. Thoroughly rub this spice mixture into the meát ás well. Flip the meát over so it’s skin-side up.
  2. Let it dry out in the fridge uncovered, for 12-24 hours. So, to do the next step, there’s áctuálly á speciál tool thát restáuránts use, but we just used á shárp metál skewer. Systemáticálly poke holes áLL over the skin, which will help the skin crisp up, ráther thán stáy smooth ánd leáthery. The more holes there áre, the better, reálly.
  3. Preheát the oven to 375 degrees F. Pláce á lárge piece of áluminum foil (heávy duty foil works best) onto á báking tráy, ánd fold up the sides áround the pork snugly, so thát you’re creáting á kind of box áll áround it, with á 1-inch high border going áround the sides.
  4. Brush the rice wine vinegár on top of the pork skin. Páck the seá sált in one even láyer over the skin, so the pork is completely covered. Pláce in the oven ánd roást for 1 hour ánd 30 minutes. If your pork belly still hás the rib áttáched, roást for 1 hour ánd 45 minutes.
  5. ....................
  6. .............................

full recipe >>

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