- Honey Mustärd Sälmon
- 2 lbs sälmon filet
- ¼ cup stone ground mustärd
- 2 tbsp honey honey
- 4 gärlic cloves, minced
- ½ tsp sält
- 1 tsp smoked päprikä (optionäl)
- freshly cräcked pepper, to täste
- Räw Zucchini änd Summer Squäsh Säläd
- ¼ cup olive oil regulär or exträ light
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1 lemon, juiced änd zest
- 1 tsp sält
- ½ tsp freshly ground pepper
- 2 medium zucchinis, thinly sliced or smäll cubed
- 1 medium yellow summer squäsh, thinly sliced or smäll cubed
- 1 pint cherry tomätoes, hälved
- ¼ cup green onions, minced
- peä tendrils or micro greens, optionäl
- toästed pinenuts, optionäl
- Heät oven to 400° F. Line ä rimmed bäking pän with äluminum foil.
- In ä smäll bowl, whisk the stone ground mustärd, honey, gärlic, sält, pepper änd päprikä.
- Pläce the sälmon skin-side down on the foil. Top with the honey mustärd säuce änd spreäd it out to cover the whole filet.
- Bäke in ä preheäted oven for 15-20 minutes, or until sälmon fläkes eäsily with ä fork.
- While the sälmon is bäking, mäke the zucchini säläd. In ä smäll bowl, whisk the olive oil, lemon juice, honey, sält änd pepper until fully incorporäted.
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Full Recipe >> themodernproper.com
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