- 3lbs bóneless Rib Eye róast
- ¼ cup chópped Fresh rósemary, ór óther favórite herbs
- ¼ cup chópped garlic (abóut 20 clóves)
- Salt and freshly gróund pepper tó taste
- 4 tablespóóns ólive óil, divided
- 4 tablespóóns butter, divided
- 4 cups óf a variety óf Mushróóms, sliced tó abóut the same size
- 1 cup óf stóck
- Preheat óven tó 350F.
- Tie the róast and seasón generóusly with salt and pepper.
- Mix tógether rósemary and garlic. Add 2 tablespóóns óf ólive óil and stir tó cómbine. Reserve.
- In a cast irón skillet, óver medium heat, heat 2 tablespóóns óf ólive óil and, ónce smóking hót, sear all sides óf the meat.
- Remóve skillet fróm heat. Brush the herb-garlic mixture all óver the róast.
- Bring the róast, in the cast irón skillet, tó the preheated óven and cóók fór abóut 1 tó 1.5 hóurs ór until a meat thermómeter reads 135F degrees (medium-rare). Let it rest fór at least 10 minutes befóre serving (final temperature shóuld be 145F fór medium rare.)
- While the róast is resting, sauté the mushróóms óver medium heat with 2 tablespóóns butter until cóóked thróugh and nó liquid is left in the pan, abóut 5 minutes. Seasón with salt and pepper.
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