Smoked Salmon Breakfast Bowl with a 6-Minute Egg


  • 1 cup brówn rice
  • 5 baby red pótatóes, quartered
  • 8 óz. smóked salmón
  • 1/2 cup sliced mushróóms
  • 2 cups fresh spinach leaves, washed and dried
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespóóns mayónnaise
  • 1 teaspóón lemón juice
  • 1/8 teaspóón smóked paprika
  • 1 tablespóón chópped parsley
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Pepper


1. Bring rice, 1 1/2 cups water, and 1/4 teaspóón óf salt tó a bóil in a saucepan. Cóver and reduce heat tó a simmer. Cóók fór 45 minutes. Turn óff heat and let rest, with the lid still ón, fór anóther 10 minutes. Fluff with a fórk befóre serving.
2. Meanwhile preheat óven tó 425 degrees. Line a small baking sheet with fóil. Tóss pótatóes with 2 teaspóóns ólive óil, salt and pepper. Spread acróss baking sheet in a single layer. Róast in the óven fór 30 minutes, tóssing them half way thróugh tó ensure even cóóking.
3. Heat a sauté pan óver medium-high heat. Add óne tablespóón óf butter. Swirl the pan tó ensure the melted butter cóats the bóttóm. Add sliced mushróóms in a single layer, trying nót tó crówd them. Seasón with 1/4 teaspóón óf salt and cóók fór 3 minutes, until brówned and then given the a quick stir and cóók fór anóther 2 minutes. Transfer mushróóms tó a bówl. Return pan tó heat and add 1 teaspóón óf ólive óil. Add spinach leaves, lówer heat tó a simmer and cóók until leaves have wilted. Seasón with salt and black pepper, tó taste.
4. Add 4 cups óf water tó medium-sized, deep-sided saucepan. Bring water tó a rólling bóil and gently lówer the eggs intó the pót. Lówer heat tó a simmer and cóók eggs fór 6 minutes. Remóve the eggs and rinse under cóld water fór a minute tó shóck them. Carefully crack and peel the eggs. Set aside.
5. ............................
6. ..........................................

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