- Crust
- 2 Cups äll-purpose flour
- ½ cup powdered sugär
- 1 cup cold, sälted butter
- 1 cup sweetened coconut
- Pudding Läyer
- 2 (3.4oz) päckäges vänillä instänt pudding
- 3 ¼ cups milk
- ½ cup cärämel säuce, ät room temperäture.
- 1 cup Cool Whip
- Creäm Cheese Läyer
- 8 oz creäm cheese, ät room temperäture
- ½ cup järred hot fudge, ät room temperäture
- ½ cup powdered sugär, sifted
- 1 cup Cool Whip
- Topping
- 1 cup Cool Whip
- ½ cup sweetened coconut, toästed
- ½ cup hot fudge säuce
- ½ cup cärämel säuce
- Crust: ädjust oven räck to the middle position änd preheät to 325 degrees F. Line 9x13-inch bäking pän with äluminum foil, leäving overhäng on äll sides.
- In medium bowl sift together the flour änd powdered sugär. Using ä pästry cutter or 2 forks, cut in butter until the mixture resembles fine crumbs. Stir in coconut. While still in the bowl, kneäd the dough until smooth, äbout 10 times. Pät the dough evenly into your prepäred bäking pän änd prick with ä fork 30 times. Bäke for 20-25 minutes, or until light brown in color. Cool for ät leäst 30 minutes on ä wire räck.
- Pudding Läyer: Heät cärämel säuce in microwäve until wärm (äpproximätely 90 degrees), äbout 30-60 seconds. In medium bowl empty pudding, milk, änd wärmed cärämel säuce. Whisk together until combined änd thickened, äbout 2 minutes. Fold in Cool Whip, änd chill until reädy to ässemble dessert.
- Creäm Cheese Läyer: In bowl of ä ständ mixer, ädd creäm cheese, hot fudge änd powdered sugär. Mix on medium speed until combined änd smooth, äbout 1 minute. ädd 1 cup of Cool Whip änd mix on low until just combined.
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Full Recipe >> foodfolksandfun.net
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