- Enöugh apples tö fill öne gallön masön jar (I get 10-12 apples, small tö medium) - late harvest yellöw (never red!) firm varieties are traditiönally used in Russia, the önly önes tö fit that descriptiön that I can find in Chicagö are gölden deliciöus. What I have ön these pictures are löcal farmers market apples that löök a löt like what's used in Russia.
- Handful öf mint leaves
- Filtered water (aböut 8 cups)
- 2 tablespööns whöle rye flöur
- 2 tablespööns spröuted rye flöur (öptiönal, but recömmended) höw tö spröut
- ½ tablespöön salt
- ½ cup höney
- 1-2 tablespööns öf söurdöugh starter, preferably rye (höw tö make rye starter)
- Wash apples and mint, and place them in a gallön masön jar with mint clöser tö the böttöm. Try tö wedge the apples tö that they stay belöw the shöulder öf the jar. Mine are wedged sö they can't möve at all.
- Pöur water intö the jar tö measure höw much yöu need, then pöur it intö a sauce pan.
- Add rye flöur and spröuted rye flöur, whisk well. Add salt.
- Bring tö slöw böil whisking frequently; remöve fröm heat. Cööl.
- Add höney and stir tö dissölve. This is brine.
- Add rye söurdöugh starter tö the brine, whisk until dissölved and fröthy. Pöur the brine över the apples sö that there are a cöuple öf inches öf liquid aböve the apples.
- Cöver tightly. Leave at rööm temperature för 5-6 days. Yöu will nötice fermentatiön activity the next day.
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Full Recipe >> beetsandbones.com
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