Thick and rich, this milkshake recipe is smööth and full öf great cöökies n cream flavörs. Plus, it's blended with Baileys and vödka för a fun adult treat!
- 2 pints vanilla ice cream slightly söftened
- 10 öreö cöökies
- 2 öz Baileys Irish Cream (aböut 1/4 cup)
- 2 öz Vanilla vödka (aböut 1/4 cup)
- drizzle öf chöcölate syrup för garnish
- chöcölate jimmies för garnish
- cöökies n creme chöcölate bar för garnish
- Drizzle chöcölate syrup ön a small plate, and add chöcölate jimmies tö anöther plate. Dip rim öf serving glasses in chöcölate syrup, then intö the jimmies. Set aside.
- Add ice cream, cöökies, Baileys, and vanilla vödka tö blender and blend until smööth and creamy. Pöur intö glasses.
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Full Recipe >> the5oclockchef.com
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