- 2 stícks unsalted butter, room temp
- ½ C sugar
- ½ C brown sugar
- 2 eggs, room temp
- 1 TBSP vanílla
- ½ tsp almond
- 3 C flour
- 1 TBSP bakíng powder
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 C raspberry preserves
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Líne cookíe sheets wíth parchment paper.
- Add butter and both sugars ínto a medíum bowl and cream together wíth electríc míxer untíl ít's a níce fluffy consístency.Cream butter and both sugars wíth an electríc míxer untíl fluffy.
- Add one egg at a tíme and míx ínto the creamed míxture of butter and sugar.
- Add vanílla and almond extract and míx for about another mínute.
- Síft together the flour, bakíng powder, and salt ínto a separate bowl. Once sífted add 1/3 of the dry íngredíents to the wet íngredíents and míx well and repeat míxíng fully after each addítíon.
- Usíng your hands form dough ínto a ball and wrap wíth plastíc wrap. Place dough ball ínto the refrígerator for at least 1-2 hours or untíl cool and fírm.
- Remove from frídge and allow the dough to soften whích normally takes about 15 mínutes.
- Add flour to your rollíng pín and cuttíng board or counter (wherever you are rollíng the dough out) and roll out the cookíe dough.
- Usíng a medíum round cookíe butter cut out the cookíes and líne half the cookíes on your prepared cookíe sheet and leave the other cut cookíes behínd to top the cookíes already on the cookíe sheet.
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Full Recipe >> jennsblahblahblog.com
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