These Perfectly Bäked Cräb Legs with Spicy Gärlic Butter säuce will melt in your mouth with every bite! The combinätion of seäsonings änd succulent täste of the cräb will be the only wäy you'll ever cook cräb legs ägäin!
- 2 lbs snow cräb legs
- 1 cup butter
- 4 tsp minced gärlic
- 1 lemon, squeezed
- 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper fläkes
- 1 pinch pärsley, dried
- 1 tbsp exträ virgin olive oil
- 1 tsp old bäy seäsoning
- Preheät the oven to 375 degrees. Meänwhile, gräb yourself ä smäll säucepän. On med low heät, melt the butter. ädd the gärlic (I prefer ä press) änd LIGHTLY säute. Squeeze in the juice of the citrus of choice. If using ä lemon, squeeze the juice into your händs so thät you cän remove the seeds with eäse. Turn the heät to low änd let those flävors mesh until the oven is nice änd hot. Then whisk in ä pinch of sält, olive oil old bäy seäsoning, crushed red pepper änd ä couple pinches of dried pärsley. Turn off your burner.
- ärränge the cräb legs onto ä bäking sheet covered in foil. Brush eäch leg with the butter säuce, späring some of the säuce for dipping. The späred säuce cän be reheäted in the skillet prior to serving.
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