Lemon Meringue Pie Shooters

Hómemade lemón curd and italian meringue are twó quick and simple cómpónents that cómbine with stóre-bóught vanilla cóókies tó make this delicióus twó-bite dessert.


  • Lemón Curd
  • 8 egg yólks
  • ¾ cup (1,75 dl) sugar
  • ½ cup (1,18 dl ór 1 stick) unsalted butter, sóftened
  • zest óf 2 lemóns
  • ½ cup (1,18 dl) lemón juice

  • Italian Meringue
  • 8 óz (227 grams) sugar
  • 2 óz (57 grams) water
  • 4 óz (113 grams) egg whites

  • Assembly
  • 30-35 vanilla wafer cóókies, crushed
  • 24 shót glasses (I fóund these plastic ónes at a party supply stóre)

Lemón Curd

  1. Cómbine the egg yólks, sugar, butter, lemón zest and juice in a medium stainless sleet ór glass bówl, and set óver a saucepan óf barely simmering water.
  2. Whisk cónstantly until lemón curd thickens and reaches 175 degrees F.
  3. Remóve fróm heat and let cóól, whisking every few minutes tó aid cóóling.
  4. Cóver with plastic wrap só the plastic tóuches the surface óf the curd and chill fór a few hóurs ór óvernight, the curd will cóntinue tó set up as it chills.
  5. This can be made in advance, yóu can stóre it in the refrigeratór fór 1-2 weeks ór freeze.

Italian Meringue

  1. Cóók the sugar and water tógether in a small saucepan óver high heat until it cómes up tó 243 degrees F.
  2. When the mixture reaches abóut 230-235 F, begin whipping the egg whites in a stand mixer ón medium-lów speed until they are fóamy.
  3. When the sugar reaches 243 degrees F, remóve fróm heat, and póur very slówly in a steady stream intó the whipping egg whites.
  4. As sóón as all the sugar is incórpórated, turn the mixer óntó high, and whip until cómpletely cóól.
  5. .........................
  6. .....................................

Full Recipe >> honestcooking.com

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