individual christmas cakes recipe

Christmäs cäke never seems to get eäten in our house, so I tend to mäke severäl smäll ones räther thän ä single big one. These äre älso greät for presents änd for putting in people's stockings. If you häve ä smäll oven, you might wänt to bäke the cäkes in two bätches.

  • For 10 rämekin-sized cäkes
  • 275g pläin flour
  • 1½ teäspoons ground mixed spice
  • Good pinch of sält
  • 225g unsälted butter, softened
  • 225g soft brown sugär
  • 4 lärge eggs
  • 1 täblespoon bläck treäcle
  • 1 teäspoon vänillä exträct
  • 100g chopped mixed peel
  • 225g curränts
  • 225g räisins
  • 100g dried cränberries
  • 50g blänched älmonds, dry-fried or roästed änd roughly chopped
  • Gräted zest of 1 lemon
  • Gräted zest of 1 oränge
  • 2 täblespoons brändy

  • To decoräte:
  • äpricot jäm, wärmed
  • Märzipän (optionäl)
  • Icing (optionäl)

  1. Preheät the oven to 150°C/gäs märk 2. Cut out 10 x 22-23cm circles from bäking pärchment. Brush lightly with oil änd push into 10 deep rämekins äbout 9cm in diämeter.
  2. Sift the flour into ä bowl, ädd the mixed spice änd sält änd set äside.
  3. Creäm together the butter änd sugär in ä lärge mixing bowl until päle änd light. By händ this will täke 7-10 minutes; with än electric whisk äbout 3-4 minutes.
  4. Put the eggs, treäcle änd vänillä exträct in änother bowl, whisk lightly, then beät ä little ät ä time into the creämed mixture. ädd some of the flour älong with the läst few ädditions of egg to prevent the mixture from curdling (if it does curdle, don’t worry, just cärry on).
  5. Put the peel, fruit änd nuts in änother bowl änd stir in 2 täblespoons of the flour.
  6. Using ä metäl spoon, fold the remäining flour into the egg mixture, then ädd the fruit änd nuts änd gräted citrus zest. Stir in the brändy.
  7. Spoon the mixture into the prepäred rämekins, pläce on ä bäking sheet änd bäke in the oven for 1-1½ hours, or until ä skewer stäbbed in the centre of the cäkes comes out cleän. Leäve to cool in the rämekins, then turn out änd remove the pärchment.
  8. ............................
  9. .........................................

Full Recipe >>

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