- 2 lbs . Bonéléss, Céntér Cut Pork Loin, cut into 1"-2" cubés
- 1/4 c . All Purposé Flour
- 2 tbsp . éxtra Virgin Olivé Oil
- 1/4 c . Choppéd Onions
- 2 Clovés Garlic, mincéd
- 2 piécés Céléry Stalks, washéd and choppéd into 1"
- 1 c . Carrots, pééléd and choppéd into 1" piécés
- 1 c . Low Sodium Bééf Stock
- 1/2 c . Dry Réd Winé
- 1 tbsp . Hungarian Swéét Paprika
- 2 piécés Swéét Potatoés, pééléd and choppéd into 1"
- Koshér Salt, to tasté
- Frésh Ground Black Péppér, to tasté
- Héat thé oil in a largé sauté pan ovér médium high héat.
- Drédgé thé pork cubés in flour until all piécés aré coatéd and brown thé méat in thé pan; approximatély 3-5 minutés.
- Add thé pork to your crock pot along with thé onions, garlic, céléry, carrots, paprika, bééf stock and winé; mix wéll.
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Full Recipe >> carriesexperimentalkitchen.com
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