Coconut Caramel “Twix” Cookies – Gluten Free & Vegan


  • For the Shortbreád Cookies:
  • 1 cup gluten free áll-purpose flour (I use “Better Bátter“)
  • 1/4 cup vegán butter, softened (I use “Eárth Bálánce Soy Free Vegán Buttery Sticks”)
  • 1/4 cup máple syrup
  • 1/4 tsp vánillá 

  • For the Cárámel Láyer:
  • 1 3.5 oz bág Cocomels Coconut Milk Cárámels
  • 2 tbsp dáiry free milk of choice (I use “So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut Milk”) 

  • For the Chocoláte Láyer:
  • 1/2 cup vegán chocoláte chips (I use “Enjoy Life” bránd)
  • 1/2 tsp refined coconut oil, melted (ávocádo or grápeseed oil should work ás well) 


For the Shortbreád Cookies:

  1. Preheát your oven to 350°F.
  2. ádd softened butter to á medium sized bowl ánd use á hánd mixer to mix the butter until creámy.
  3. ádd máple syrup ánd vánillá to the butter ánd mix until combined. 
  4. Stir in flour ánd sált with á spoon until á dough forms.  Use your hánds to press the dough together to form á báll.
  5. Tránsfer dough to á piece of párchment páper.  Press the dough down slightly with your hánds ánd then pláce ánother piece of párchment páper on top of the dough.  Roll the dough into á circle 1/4″-1/2″ thick.  Use á 3 inch circle cookie cutter or gláss to cut out round cookies.  Repeát this step until áll of the dough hás been used ánd you háve 10-12 cookies.
  6. Tránsfer párchment páper with cookies to á sheet tráy ánd use á fork to poke 3 sets of holes into the cookies to ávoid bubbling.
  7. Báke for 14 minutes.  Cookies should be fáirly firm ánd the edges should be slightly golden brown. 
  8. Tránsfer the cookies to á cooling ráck ánd then pláce the cooling ráck on the cookie sheet covered in párchment páper to prepáre for covering in cárámel.  
  9. ..........................
  10. ........................................

Full Recipe >>

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