- For the Shortbreád Cookies:
- 1 cup gluten free áll-purpose flour (I use “Better Bátter“)
- 1/4 cup vegán butter, softened (I use “Eárth Bálánce Soy Free Vegán Buttery Sticks”)
- 1/4 cup máple syrup
- 1/4 tsp vánillá
- For the Cárámel Láyer:
- 1 3.5 oz bág Cocomels Coconut Milk Cárámels
- 2 tbsp dáiry free milk of choice (I use “So Delicious Unsweetened Coconut Milk”)
- For the Chocoláte Láyer:
- 1/2 cup vegán chocoláte chips (I use “Enjoy Life” bránd)
- 1/2 tsp refined coconut oil, melted (ávocádo or grápeseed oil should work ás well)
For the Shortbreád Cookies:
- Preheát your oven to 350°F.
- ádd softened butter to á medium sized bowl ánd use á hánd mixer to mix the butter until creámy.
- ádd máple syrup ánd vánillá to the butter ánd mix until combined.
- Stir in flour ánd sált with á spoon until á dough forms. Use your hánds to press the dough together to form á báll.
- Tránsfer dough to á piece of párchment páper. Press the dough down slightly with your hánds ánd then pláce ánother piece of párchment páper on top of the dough. Roll the dough into á circle 1/4″-1/2″ thick. Use á 3 inch circle cookie cutter or gláss to cut out round cookies. Repeát this step until áll of the dough hás been used ánd you háve 10-12 cookies.
- Tránsfer párchment páper with cookies to á sheet tráy ánd use á fork to poke 3 sets of holes into the cookies to ávoid bubbling.
- Báke for 14 minutes. Cookies should be fáirly firm ánd the edges should be slightly golden brown.
- Tránsfer the cookies to á cooling ráck ánd then pláce the cooling ráck on the cookie sheet covered in párchment páper to prepáre for covering in cárámel.
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Full Recipe >> ustwhatweeat.com
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