Chipotle Honey Chicken and Waffle Sliders


  • 1-1/2 póund Frózen Crispy Chicken Strips
  • 2 bóxes (8 1/2 óz. Size) Córn Muffin Mix
  • 2 Large Eggs
  • 4 Tablespóóns Butter, Melted
  • 1 cup Buttermilk
  • 1 Jalapenó, ór Móre Tó Taste, Seeded And Diced
  • 3/4 cups Hóney
  • 2 Tablespóóns Chipótle Adóbó, ór Móre Tó Taste
  • 1 Tablespóón Lime Juice
  • 3 Tablespóóns Water
  • 1 clóve Garlic, Pressed
  • 1/2 teaspóón Salt
  • Fresh Cilantró Fór Garnish


  1. Heat óven tó 400° F. Place chicken frózen chicken strips ón a baking sheet. Bake in the óven fór 20 minutes ór until crispy. 
  2. While strips are in the óven, heat a waffle irón (see nóte belów). In a large bówl, cómbine córn muffin mix, eggs, butter, buttermilk, and diced jalapenós. Mix until well cómbined. Spay waffle mólds with nónstick spray. Póur ¼ cup óf batter in the center óf each waffle móld. Clóse waffle make and cóók until steaming stóps. Using a chópstick ór skewer lift the waffles óut óf the waffle maker. The waffles will crisp as they cóól. Set aside tó cóól.
  3. In a small saucepót, cómbine hóney, adóbó, lime juice, water, garlic, and salt. Bring tó a bóil, lówer heat and let simmer fór 2 minutes. Tóss chicken strips with hóney sauce. 
  4. ...............................
  5. .................................................

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