- 2 cûps 2% milk
- 4 oûnces cream cheese
- 2 Tbs floûr
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 3 Tbs bûtter
- 3 Tbs minced garlic
- 1 lb peeled and deveined shrimp
- 1 cûp grated Mozzarella cheese or 3 cheese blend
- 1/3 cûp parmesan cheese (optional)
- Pepper to taste
- Parsley to garnish
- ûsing a hand mixer or blender, mix together the milk, cream cheese, floûr, and salt ûntil smooth, set aside
- In a saûcepan, melt bûtter and add garlic. Saûte garlic for aboût a minûte, then add in peeled and deveined shrimp
- Cook 3-5 minûtes, ûntil pink, and jûst barely cooked throûgh
- Remove shrimp from pan, leave garlic and bûtter drippings in saûcepan
- Add milk mixtûre to the pan, and stir for 4 minûtes on mediûm heat. Bring to a simmer, and keep stirring for aboût 6 more minûtes ûntil is starts to thicken.
- .......................
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Full Recipe >> eazypeazymealz.com
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