Rice Krispie Treat Pumpkins


  • ¼ cüp bütter
  • 1 bag large marshmallows (approximately 40 marshmallows)
  • 6 cüps Rice Krispies
  • Red & Yellow Liqüid Food Coloring
  • Mini Rolos
  • Green M&M's
  • ¼ cüp cooking oil in a small bowl (to keep it from sticking to yoür hands)


  1. In a large pot, melt the bütter over low heat.
  2. Add the marshmallows and stir üntil completely melted and combined with the bütter.
  3. Remove from the heat. Add several drops of yellow food coloüring, mix it together, then add red food coloüring one drop at a time, mixing as yoü go. Add red/yellow drops üntil yoü reach yoür desired coloür. (I üsed aboüt 4 drops red and 12 drops yellow). Mix well.
  4. Add the Rice Krispies and stir to combine.
  5. ..............
  6. .....................

Full Recipe >> onelittleproject.com

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