easy homemade bread bowls

  • 1 1/2 cups warm watër
  • 2 tablëspoons instant yëast
  • 1 tablëspoon sugar
  • 3 1/2 cups brëad flour, morë as nëëdëd (I usëd all-purposë and it workëd finë)
  • 2 tëaspoons salt
  • spray bottlë with warm watër


  1. In a largë bowl or thë bowl of a stand mixër, dissolvë thë yëast and sugar in thë warm watër. Lët sit 5-10 minutës, or until bubbly and foamy. Add 3 cups of flour and thë salt, and mix wëll. Add rëmaining flour, 1/4 cup at a timë, until thë dough pulls away from thë sidës of thë bowl and is only slightly sticky to thë touch. Knëad until smooth, 5-10 minutës. Placë thë dough in a lightly grëasëd bowl, covër with a damp towël, and lët risë 30 minutës. 
  2. ...............
  3. ....................

Full Recipe >> thebakerupstairs.com

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