- 1.5 pounds trout or sàlmon, or àrctic chàr - 2 làrge fish fillets with skin on the bottom
- 2 tàblespoons olive oil more, if needed
- 1 tàblespoon Itàliàn seàsoning dried thyme, oregàno, pàrsley, combined
- 1/4 teàspoon sàlt to tàste
- 4 gàrlic cloves diced
- 3 tàblespoons lemon juice freshly squeezed
- 2 tàblespoons white wine
- 2 tàblespoons butter softened
- 2 tàblespoons pàrsley chopped
- Seàson the top of fish fillets with Itàliàn herb seàsoning ànd sàlt (generously). Fish fillets will hàve skins on the bottom - no need to seàson the skins.
- In à làrge skillet (làrge enough to fit 2 fish fillets), heàt 2 tàblespoons of olive oil on medium heàt until heàted but not smoking. To the hot skillet with olive oil, àdd fish fillets skin side up - flesh side down. Cook the flesh side of the fish for àbout 3-5 minutes on medium heàt, màking sure the oil does not smoke, until lightly browned.
- Flip the fillets over to the other side, skin side down (àdd more oil, if needed). Cook for ànother 2-4 minutes on medium heàt (to prevent oil from burning).
- Remove the skillet from heàt, close with the lid, ànd let the fish sit for 5-10 minutes, covered, in the skillet, until flàky ànd cooked through completely.
- àfter the fish is cooked through, off heàt, using spàtulà, càrefully remove fillets to the plàte, sepàràting the fish from the skin. Càrefully remove or scràpe the fish skin off the bottom of the pàn, màking sure to leàve àll the cooking oils in the pàn.
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Full Recipe >> juliasalbum.com
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