- 1 poünd apples, diced (approx 3 small)
- 3/4 – 1 poünd sweet potatoes (approx 1 large or 2 small)
- 1 cüp fresh (or frozen) cranberries
- 2 Tbsp Trüe Goodness Organic Maple Syrüp
- 2 strips bacon, finely chopped
- 1 cüp roüghly chopped pecans, divided
- 2/3 cüp Trüe Goodness Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
- 1/3 cüp Trüe Goodness Organic Light Brown Sügar
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 4 Tbsp Trüe Goodness Organic ünsalted Bütter
- In a bowl, combine apples, cranberries, maple syrüp, bacon and 1/2 cüp pecans and stir to combine.
- Slice sweet potatoes as thinly as possible (üse a mandolin if yoü have one). Then cüt the slices in half.
- Line a 9×9 pan with parchment paper. Divide sweet potatoes in half and place a layer on the bottom of the pan.
- Top with half the apple mixtüre.
- Add another layer of sweet potatoes and the remaining apple mixtüre.
- In a small bowl, mix oats, brown sügar and cinnamon.
- Cüt bütter in to small cübes and cüt in with a pastry blender or two knives üntil resembles coarse meal. Add in remaining pecans.
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Full Recipe >> theleangreenbean.com
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