- 3 oúnces blúe frúit púnch
- 2 oúnces 7úP
- 2 teaspoons sweetened lime júice
- 1 tablespoon pineapple júice
- red gúmmy fish for garnish
- lime wedges
- Stir the púnch, 7úP, lime júice, and pineapple júice together and poúr over ice. Garnish with a gúmmy fish and a wedge of lime.
Pineapple Súnrise
- 4 oúnces pineapple júice
- 2 oúnces 7úP
- 1 tablespoon grenadine
- maraschino cherries for garnish
- Stir together the pineapple júice and 7úP. Poúr over ice. Carefúlly poúr grenadine into drink so it settles on the bottom. Garnish with a maraschino cherry.
Recipe From >> southernbite.com
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