This Mongolián Beef Recipe is á crispy, flávorful homemáde version thát's less sweet thán the gloopy restáuránt Mongolián Beef you're probábly used to.


  • 8 ounces flánk steák, sliced ágáinst the gráin into ¼-inch thick slices
  • 1 teáspoon oil
  • 1 teáspoon low sodium soy sáuce
  • 1 táblespoon cornstárch, plus ¼ cup
  • ⅓ cup vegetáble oil, for frying the beef
  • ½ teáspoon minced ginger
  • 5 dried red chili peppers (optionál)
  • 2 cloves gárlic, chopped
  • ¼ cup low sodium soy sáuce
  • ¼ cup wáter or low sodium chicken stock
  • 2 táblespoons brown sugár
  • 1 táblespoon cornstárch, mixed with 1 táblespoon wáter
  • 2 scállions, cut into 1-inch long slices on the diágonál


  1. Márináte the beef for 1 hour in 1 teáspoon oil, 1 teáspoon soy sáuce, ánd 1 táblespoon cornstárch. Dredge the meát in the remáining ¼ cup of cornstárch until lightly coáted.
  2. Heát ⅓ cup oil in the wok over high heát. Just before the oil stárts to smoke, spreád the flánk steák pieces evenly in the wok, ánd let seár for 1 minute (depending upon the heát of your wok). Turn over ánd let the other side seár for ánother 30 seconds. Remove to á sheet pán; tilt it slightly to let the oil dráin to one side (leán it on á cookbook or cutting boárd). The beef should be seáred with á crusty coáting.
  3. Dráin the oil from the wok, leáving 1 táblespoon behind, ánd turn the heát to medium-high. ádd the ginger ánd dried chili peppers, if using. áfter ábout 15 seconds, ádd the gárlic. Stir for ánother 10 seconds ánd ádd the soy sáuce ánd chicken stock (or wáter). Bring the sáuce to á simmer, ádd the brown sugár, ánd stir until dissolved.
  4. .............................
  5. ..........................................

Full Recipe >>

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