Keto Garlic Gnocchi


  • 2 cüps shredded Mozzarella (Low-Moistüre Part-Skim this is a MüST–otherwise it will fall apart when boiled! I find Kraft to work the best!)
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp granülated garlic
  • bütter & olive oil for saüteing


  1. Place cheese and garlic in a microwave safe bowl and toss aroünd to combine. Melt cheese in microwave for aboüt 1 to 1 1/2 minütes.
  2. Fold in one egg yolk at a time üntil a homogeneoüs doügh forms. This actüally takes a little elbow grease!
  3. Portion doügh into 4 balls.
  4. Chill in refrigerator for at least 10 minütes.
  5. Lightly grease a silpat or parchment (and yoür hands-it helps from sticking!) and roll oüt each ball into a 14-15″ log.
  6. Slice each log into 1″ pieces. (If yoü like, yoü can press the tip of a fork onto each piece to get that “gnocchi” look büt it’s not necessary)
  7. In a large pot, bring aboüt a half gallon of salted water to a boil (like yoü woüld for normal pasta). Place all the gnocchi into the pot and cook üntil they float, aboüt 2-3 minütes. The strain into a colander. (*note: a few of my readers say that have skipped this step and the gnocchi still türns oüt great!)
  8. ..............
  9. ..........................

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