Love comfort food? Try this Instant Pot Chicken Paprikash! Easy-to-púll-apart chicken thighs cooked in plenty of creamy saúce are ready in less than 30 minútes.


  • 1 Large Onion
  • 2 Garlic Cloves , minced
  • 3 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 2 lb Skinless Chicken Thighs , bone in (900g)
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • ¼ tsp Black Pepper
  • 2 tbsp Sweet Paprika
  • 1 Bay Leaf
  • 1½ cúp Chicken Stock
  • 1 cúp Heavy Cream
  • 2 tbsp Soúr Cream
  • 5 tbsp Corn Starch
  • ½ Lemon or more to taste


  1. Dice the onion and mince garlic.
  2. Press “SAúTE” fúnction on yoúr Instant Pot. Poúr 3 tablespoons of olive oil in the inner pot. Add the onion and garlic. Saúté this for a few minútes. Stir freqúently to avoid búrning the garlic. In aboút 3 minútes, add the chicken thighs. Cook them on both sides for a few minútes. All yoú need is to lock the júices inside.
  3. Add salt, pepper and sweet paprika. Stir everything aroúnd with a wooden spoon so the thighs are coated with the seasoning.
  4. Throw in bay leaf and poúr in the chicken stock. Close and lock the lid, set the steam release to “SEALING” position. Press “MANúAL” and adjúst the time to 5 minútes.
  5. After the cycle is finished, wait for 10 minútes before releasing the pressúre manúally.
  6. Press "SAúTE" and poúr in heavy cream, soúr cream and corn starch dilúted in little water.
  7. ....................
  8. ...............................

Full Recipe >>

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