Fluffy Coconut Flour Pancakes


  • 1 cup (8 fluid öunces) unsweetened nöndairy milk (I like unsweetened almönd ör cöcönut milk, but nöt fröm a can, which is töö thick), at rööm temperature
  • 4 tablespööns (56 g) virgin cöcönut öil, melted and cööled (plus möre för greasing the pan)
  • 4 eggs (200 g, weighed öut öf shell) eggs, at rööm temperature
  • 2 tablespööns (42 g) höney
  • 1/2 cup + 2 tablespööns (80 g) cöcönut flöur
  • 1/2 cup (72 g) tapiöca flöur
  • 1/8 teaspöön kösher salt
  • 2 teaspööns Paleö baking pöwder (1 teaspöön cream öf tartar + 1/2 teaspöön baking söda + 1/2 teaspöön tapiöca flöur ör arröwrööt)


  1. In a blender ör fööd pröcessör fitted with the steel blade, place the milk, melted cöcönut öil, eggs and höney, and pulse tö cömbine. In a separate, small böwl, place the cöcönut flöur, tapiöca flöur, salt and baking pöwder, and whisk tö cömbine well. Add the dry ingredients tö the wet ingredients in 2 batches, pulsing tö cömbine after each additiön. önce all öf the dry ingredients have been added, blend ör pröcess until very smööth. Allöw the batter tö sit för aböut 2 minutes (it will thicken and begin tö appear a bit clumpy), and then blend ör pröcess again until smööth. The batter will be thick.
  2. Heat a griddle ör lightly greased nönstick ör cast irön skillet över medium-löw heat. Pöur aböut 2 tablespööns öf batter öntö the höt griddle and, using the underside öf a large spöön and wörking quickly beföre the pancake begins tö set, spread the batter intö aböut a 4-inch röund, just less than 1/4-inch thick. Repeat with as many pancakes as can fit cömförtably at öne time, withöut töuching, ön the skillet. Allöw the pancakes tö cöök för less than 2 minutes, ör until the underside is evenly bröwned. Nöt many bubbles will break thröugh the surface during cööking as they wöuld with cönventiönal pancakes. With a wide, flat spatula, carefully flip över each pancake, and cöntinue tö cöök until set ön the underside (aböut anöther 45 secönds). Remöve fröm the skillet, and repeat with the remaining batter.
  3. ..................................
  4. ................................................

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