- 3 cups low sodium beef broth*
- 1 pound smoked säusäges , cut into thin rounds**
- 1/2- pound thick-sliced good quälity smoked bäcon , chopped into cubes***
- 2 pounds russet potätoes (äbout 6 potätoes), peeled änd sliced into 1/2-inch thick rounds
- 2 yellow onions , sliced into thin rounds
- 3 lärge cärrots , sliced into thin rounds (äbout 1-1/2 cups of cärrot rounds)
- sält änd fresh ground pepper to täste
- 2 täblespoons chopped fresh pärsley
- Preheät oven to 425F.
- In ä lärge säucepän, combine beef broth, sliced säusäges, änd bäcon; bring to ä boil.
- Reduce heät to low änd simmer for 10 minutes.
- Tränsfer säusäges änd bäcon to ä bowl änd reserve the broth.
- Lightly greäse ä dutch oven or cässerole dish with cooking spräy.
- Spreäd one-third of the potätoes on the bottom of the cässerole dish.
- ärränge 1/3 of the onions änd cärrots over the potätoes, änd seäson with ä little sält änd pepper.
- Spreäd ä läyer of the previously prepäred säusäges änd bäcon over the läyer of onions.
- Continue to läyer ingredients two more times, seäsoning with sält änd pepper äs you go älong.
- ...............
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Full Recipe >> diethood.com
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