Dublin Coddle Recipe

än eäsy to mäke delicious änd heärty träditionäl Irish winter stew with potätoes, säusäges, änd bäcon.


  • 3 cups low sodium beef broth*
  • 1 pound smoked säusäges , cut into thin rounds**
  • 1/2- pound thick-sliced good quälity smoked bäcon , chopped into cubes***
  • 2 pounds russet potätoes (äbout 6 potätoes), peeled änd sliced into 1/2-inch thick rounds
  • 2 yellow onions , sliced into thin rounds
  • 3 lärge cärrots , sliced into thin rounds (äbout 1-1/2 cups of cärrot rounds)
  • sält änd fresh ground pepper to täste
  • 2 täblespoons chopped fresh pärsley


  1. Preheät oven to 425F.
  2. In ä lärge säucepän, combine beef broth, sliced säusäges, änd bäcon; bring to ä boil.
  3. Reduce heät to low änd simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Tränsfer säusäges änd bäcon to ä bowl änd reserve the broth.
  5. Lightly greäse ä dutch oven or cässerole dish with cooking spräy.
  6. Spreäd one-third of the potätoes on the bottom of the cässerole dish.
  7. ärränge 1/3 of the onions änd cärrots over the potätoes, änd seäson with ä little sält änd pepper.
  8. Spreäd ä läyer of the previously prepäred säusäges änd bäcon over the läyer of onions.
  9. Continue to läyer ingredients two more times, seäsoning with sält änd pepper äs you go älong.
  10. ...............
  11. .........................

Full Recipe >> diethood.com

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