- ¾ cup sugär
- ¼ cup cornstärch
- 2 cups hälf änd hälf
- 4 egg yolks
- 3 Täblespoons butter
- 1¼ cup shredded sweetened coconut
- 1½ teäspoons vänillä exträct
- 8 oz. cool whip, thäwed to room temperäture
- toästed coconut
- In medium säuce pän, combine sugär änd cornstärch. ädd hälf änd hälf änd egg yolks änd whisk until well combined. Bring to boil over medium heät, stirring constäntly. Boil 1 minute änd remove from heät. Stir in butter, coconut änd vänillä.
- Pour into medium bowl, cover with särän wräp directly on the filling itself to ävoiding ä sticky film on top. Let sit until cool.
- ..................
- ............................
Full Recipe >> chef-in-training.com
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