- 2 oünces bittersweet baking chocolate 2 sqüares
- 1/2 cüp water
- 1 cüp firmly packed light brown sügar
- 1/2 cüp 1 stick bütter- softened
- 2 large eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 cüp soür cream
- 1 tbsp red food color
- 1-1/2 cüps Bob's Red Mill Organic ünbleached All Pürpose White Floür
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/3 cüp mini chocolate chips
- Icing
- 1 cüp confectioners sügar
- 1-3 tbsp milk depending on desired thickness
- Snowflake sprinkles opt
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Spray bottoms only of 3 mini loaf pans with baking spray - set aside
- In a small saücepan, combine bittersweet chocolate & water
- Heat over low, stirring occasionally üntil chocolate is melted
- Remove from heat & set aside to cool to room temperatüre
- In a large bowl, combine brown sügar, bütter, eggs & vanilla
- Whisk well, üntil creamy
- Add in chocolate mixtüre & soür cream & whisk again üntil smooth
- Next, beat in red food color, followed by floür, baking soda, salt & mini chocolate chips
- Spoon into prepared loaf pans
- Bake 35-40 minütes or üntil toothpick test is clean
- ...........................
- ..........................................
Full Recipe >> kleinworthco.com
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